Çatmalı Mescid Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year:



Beyoğlu, İstanbul

Ordered by:

Belkıs Hanım, the daughter of Güzelce Kasım Pasha



- Changes the building has undergone since its construction
  • According to a folk tale, Çatmalı Mosque was built when Güzelce Kasım Pasha’s daughter, Belkıs Hanım, asked her father to build a mosque in her name with the materials left over from the construction of his father’s Cami-i Kebir (Grand Mosque). The name of the mosque remained as “Çatmalı Mosque” due to this cramped (tr. çatmalı) construction.
  • The land next to the mosque was purchased and a five-story Quran school was built and opened in 1989.
- Prominent features of the mosque
  • The mosque has a square plan and is covered with a roof.
  • The interior of the mosque is covered with tiles. Its mihrab, minbar and its walls are surrounded by a U-shaped gallery.
  • There are no windows on the west wall of the mosque, while the windows on the other facades are round arched.
  • The minaret located in the northwest corner is covered with plaster.