Hacı Ali Rıza Paşa (Chief chamberlain of Abdul Hamid II)
- Changes after its construction:
It has been recently restored. It was enlarged with an addition made to the north facade. It has a short minaret on the right.
- Prominent Features:
It is also known as Hamidiye Mosque and Cuma Mosque.
The mosque was built with stacked stones and a wooden roof.
The minaret is on the left and is made of regular cut stone.
The balcony is octagonal and covered with a cone, making it a closed room. This architectural feature gives the mosque a unique character.
Hacı Ali Rıza Pasha was an important statesman who served as the chief chamberlain during the reign of Sultan Abdul Hamid II and gained the trust of the sultan. Pasha died on June 16, 1917 and his grave is on the right side of the cemetery opposite the Mihrişah Valide Sultan Tomb in Eyüp.