Düğmeciler Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year:



Eyüpsultan, İstanbul

Ordered by:

Dökmecizâde Kazasker Mehmed Bakır Efendi


Mimar Sinan

- Changes after its construction:
  • With the help of its third Hazinedar, charitable Lâlezar Kalfa of Sultan Mahmud II’s harem, and the enthusiasm of Ali Satı Efendi, who prepared the Hadika addition, the fountain paths were repaired, and water was brought for the first time.
  • The mosque was damaged in the 1894 Earthquake and was repaired by two charitable ladies (Emine and Fatima).
  • The temple, its courtyard, walls, and graveyard were subjected to major renovation in 1970.
  • Restoration work has been initiated by Eyüpsultan Municipality.
- Prominent Features:
  • It has a square plan and was built of cut stone.
  • Its roof and minbar are made of wood.
  • The base of the minaret is made of cut stone, the body and honeycomb parts are made of thin bricks and are plastered.
  • There are a total of ten windows at the top and bottom.
  • The grave of the benefactor, Mehmet Bakır Efendi, is located in the cemetery and is buried there. There is an open tomb in the courtyard, surrounded by a low stone wall. On the tomb, there is a new inscription that reads “It is the tomb of son of Muhammed Ensari the son of Cabir, one of the Companions of the Prophet.”
  • There are many gravestones in the graveyard. Some of them reads: Mustafa Efendi, the tombkeeper of Necib Pasha from the Naqshbandi order who died in 1871 and Sheikh Kirpasi Mustafa Efendi who died in 1819. His grave is in the graveyard on the left side of the mosque.