Its minbar was renovated by Mahmud Agha in 1756-57.
It was revived by Serasker Rıza Pasha during the reign of Abdulhamid II.
It was devastated during the Balkan Wars and World War I, and was later repaired and reopened for worship in 1933 under the leadership of its benefactor Süeda Hanım and with the help of Mahir and Abdülkadir Beys.
The changes made to the building in various periods caused the style of Mimar Sinan to be largely lost.
- Prominent Features:
Also known as the “Çilingirler Mosque”, “Yedim-İçtim Mosque”, “Sankiyedim Mosque” and “Yenicami”.
Its dome sits on arches resting on four pillars.
At the corner of the building, there is a fountain built by Dârüssaâde Ağası (Agha of the House of Felicity) Beşir Ağa and the school above it.
Of the tiles surrounding the mihrab, only the ones with the inscription above the mihrab are original.
Basmala and the verses of Surah Ikhlas (One of the chapters of Holy Quran) written on the tiles surrounding the qibla verse in the mihrab are written in Kamil Akdik calligraphy.
In the centre of the dome there is a stack of “Jeli calligraphy” made by İsmail Hakkı Altunbezer.
It is known that the building’s mosque status was revoked and it was used as a barn for a while.