After it was destroyed by fire, it was revived by Süzgeçci Yusuf Efendi.
It was rebuilt by Hacı Raşid Efendi in 1890.
It underwent a minor repair in 1955, and the roof tiles were removed and replaced with a membrane (insulation material).
- Prominent Features:
It is also known as Fener Kapısı Mosque and Süzgeçci Yusuf Yazıcı Mosque.
It is a fevkani (upper storey) type building with shops and ablution areas underneath.
Its walls are made of stone, the minbar and ceiling are made of wood, and its mihrab projects outward and is plastered with concrete.
Its minaret is made of brick, covered with concrete plaster, has a single balcony, is made of three rows of cut stone, one row of bricks and its cone is covered with lead.
Its entrance is from the inside and the repair inscription on the door includes the information that it was commissioned by Mehmed the Conqueror.
On the Qibla side, there is the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate and the Golden Horn Walls, and it is said that Sultan Mehmed himself prayed here.