There are different opinions about the founder of the structure:
● According to some sources, it was built by Rüstem Pasha teacher, Hoca Kasım.
● According to the inscription of the mosque, it was built by Mihrimah Sultan, the daughter
of Suleiman the Magnificent and wife of Rüstem Pasha.
Changes after its construction
The expenses of the mosque were covered by the Rüstem Pasha Foundation and the minbar was added by Rüstem Pasha.
It is listed as Hace Yusuf Sinan Bin Hace Kasım Foundation” in the Istanbul Foundations Records.
It was rebuilt in 1960 with reinforced concrete and is far from its original state.
In 1976, the fountain on the right side of the entrance was demolished and replaced with toilets and ablution areas.
Additionally, a residence was built for the imam and the muezzin.
It underwent extensive restoration in 2015 and 2019.
Prominent Features
It is also known as “Tekke Mosque”.
It has a single-balcony minaret.
The mihrab and minbar are decorated with tile work.
Its pulpit is made of wood.
The narthex is closed and there is a reinforced concrete gallery above the entrance door of the mosque.
An addition was made to the side of the mosque and connected to the main hall.
The windows are rectangular at the bottom and pointed arched at the top. Iron framed glass is added to the inside to provide protection from the cold.
The walls of the mosque are built with stones and bricks and are quite thick.
Rüstem Pasha Madrasa, a large building, is located right across from Eminönü Hoca Kasım Günani Mosque.