Behram Agha (Sergeant Major during the reign of Sokullu Mehmet Pasha)
- Changes after its construction
It was completely burned in the Great Hocapaşa fire of 1865 and rebuilt by the Fourth Army Marshal Mustafa Tevfik Pasha in 1881.
It was last repaired in 1957.
The Behram Çavuş Mosque Fountain next to the mosque was restored by the Eminönü Service Foundation in 1998 and restored to its water by the Fatih Municipality in 2024.
- Prominent features
The mosque, which is made of stone and has a wooden roof, is covered with tiles.
The upper gallery is accessed from the muezzin’s gallery. The upper gallery is seated on two wooden posts, and its mihrab is made of plaster; the minbar and the pulpit are wooden.
The ceiling is divided into squares with slats and is made of wood.
There are three windows on the right and left walls each; there are two long windows on the mihrab wall.
Its single-balcony minaret is made of stone. The dates of the first construction of the mosque are written on one of the candlesticks on either side of the mihrab.
The interior contains works by the famous calligrapher Sami Efendi.
In the courtyard, there is a three-tap ablution area from the Tulip Period and an abandoned fountain.
The grave of its first benefactor, Behram Çavuş, is in the graveyard, but his tombstone is lost.