Ahmet Şemsettin Bey (Chief Furrier during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent)
- Changes after its construction
The sundial on the minaret was made by the master Mehmed b. Ebu’l Kasım, known as Endülüs (Andalusian).
The mosque has undergone various repairs and restoration work over time.
Finally, it was reopened for worship after a comprehensive restoration on September 17, 2021.
- Prominent features
The walls of the square-plan mosque are built of rubble stone, and its roof and ceiling are wooden.
The roof of the narthex is carried by four re-used marble columns.
The skirtings of the walls are covered with tiles up to the window level.
The wooden women gallery is accessed from the inside.
Its mihrab is designed with six rows of almonds, five sides and an hourglass.
Its minbar and pulpit are wooden and have been renovated.
The minaret entered from the narthex on the right of the mosque has a square base and is made of stone; its short, diamond-shaped body is multi-sided.
The road leading to the balcony is grooved in the shape of a spiral. There are relief decorations under the balcony and the balcony railings have a plain design.
There is a beautiful sundial embedded in the wall with hooks at the foot of the minaret.
The Basmalah (“In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious”) relief written in Thuluth script over the door of the mosque in the courtyard belongs to Calligrapher Halim Efendi.
Inside the mosque, there are large tile paintings with the words “Allah”, “Muhammad” and the names of the Four Rightly-Guided Caliphs.