Tıbbiye Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year:

19th century (The period of Abdulmecid)


Fatih, İstanbul

Ordered by:

Sultan Abdulmecid



- Changes after its construction
  • It was restored by the Directorate General of Foundations in 2007.
  • Today, it is located in the Sirkeci Supply Department.
- Prominent features
  • It is also known as the “Mecidiye Mosque”, “Sarayiçi Mosque”, “Sahrayı Cedit Mosque” and “Sultan Abdülmecid Mosque”.
  • It is located inside the barracks buildings in the garden of the Mekteb-i Tıbbiye-i Askeriye-i Şahane (Military Medical School), which was built for military purposes.
  • The mosque was built on the basement and foundations of a Byzantine-era building in the region, following the same plan.
  • There is no definitive record of the collapse of the train station and the structures that were destroyed when the railway passed through this area.
  • It is made of masonry and has a single dome and a minaret with a single balcony.
  • The interior has marble columns.