It was restored by the Directorate General of Foundations in 2007.
Today, it is located in the Sirkeci Supply Department.
- Prominent features
It is also known as the “Mecidiye Mosque”, “Sarayiçi Mosque”, “Sahrayı Cedit Mosque” and “Sultan Abdülmecid Mosque”.
It is located inside the barracks buildings in the garden of the Mekteb-i Tıbbiye-i Askeriye-i Şahane (Military Medical School), which was built for military purposes.
The mosque was built on the basement and foundations of a Byzantine-era building in the region, following the same plan.
There is no definitive record of the collapse of the train station and the structures that were destroyed when the railway passed through this area.
It is made of masonry and has a single dome and a minaret with a single balcony.