Tuti Abdüllatif Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year:

17th century


Fatih, İstanbul

Ordered by:

Kazasker Abdüllatif Efendi



- Changes after its construction
  • It was repaired in 1944.
  • It was demolished in 1974 and rebuilt by the Fatih Ancient Works Revival and Protection Association.
  • It has a small courtyard and garden and is surrounded by an enclosed wall.
- Prominent features
  • The founder Kazasker Abdüllatif Efendi, who was raised under the tutelage of Kemapaşazade and attained the rank of Kadıasker (Military Judge), became famous with the nickname Tûti Latif due to his interest in poetry and his beautiful voice.
  • It is also known as “Tuti Latif Masjid”.
  • His benefactor is buried in the madrasah he had built near Tetimme Madrasa.
  • The walls of the mosque are made of stone, and the ceiling, roof, minbar and upper gallery are made of wood.
  • The roof is covered with tiles.
  • The interior area, including the narthex, is 50 m².
  • Its minaret is made of bricks, has a single balcony, spiked eaves and is short.
  • Its mihrab and the lower part of its walls are covered with patterned tiles and it has no pulpit.