Kazasker Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year



Kadıköy, İstanbul

Ordered by

Kasidecizade Kazasker Süleyman Sırrı Efendi, one of the kazaskers (militaryjudge) of Sultan Abdulhamid II



Changes after its construction
  • The mosque has largely preserved its original structure.
  • In its courtyard are the graves of its founder, Kazasker Süleyman Sırrı Efendi, and hisson Ahmet Talat Kasidecioğlu.
  • The inscription above the entrance door of the mosque indicates the date of constructionand its benefactor.
Prominent features
  • The mosque’s minbar and the preacher’s pulpit are made of wood.
  • The mihrab is covered with tiles.
  • It has a single minaret and a single balcony.
  • The interior is adorned with hand-drawn decorations and there are geometric patterns onthe dome ceiling.
  • The windows are designed in arched forms and allow natural light to enter the interior.
  • There is a small cemetery in the mosque courtyard and the historical gravestones arepreserved.