İhsaniye Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year



Üsküdar, İstanbul

Ordered by

Osman III



Changes after its construction
  • The mosque underwent extensive repairs by Sultan Mustafa III in 1765-1766
  • On the right side, there are ablution taps with large chambers built by Hafız İsa Agha in 1824-1825
  • A small ablution basin was added by Cemil Pasha, son of Serasker Namık Pasha, in 1883-1884
  • And its reconstruction was started by the Foundations Directorate in 1988 and completed and opened for worship in 1990.
Prominent features
  • It is covered with Çanakkale tiles up to the top level of the lower windows
  • The mihrab is covered with marble and the minbar is wooden
  • The ceiling is concrete, and the middle part is domed
  • It was built with a square plan and a wooden roof
  • And it has a single minaret and a single balcony.