Kartal Baba Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year

18th century


Üsküdar, İstanbul

Ordered by




Changes after its construction
  • In 1879, a comprehensive repair was carried out by Lâlter Hanım, one of the relatives of Kavalalı Mehmed Ali Pasha
  • The mosque, which was ruined again over time, was demolished by the Foundations Administration in 1970, and was rebuilt and opened for worship in 1975
  • And the last restoration was completed in 2016, with the mosque, which had a minaret before it, not having one today.
Prominent features
  • In the garden of the mosque is the grave of Lâlter Hanım, who carried out the repairs
  • It is connected to the historical Kartal Baba Tekke and therefore it is referred to as both a mosque and a tekke.