Kurban Nasuh Baba Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year



Üsküdar, İstanbul

Ordered by

Sheikh Kurban Nasuh Baba



Changes after its construction
  • It was first built as a masjid in 1586-1587
  • In the 1600s, it was converted into a mosque by El-Hac Ebu Bekir by adding a minbar to the masjid
  • It was destroyed over time and rebuilt around 1973-1974
  • And it was originally planned as a single-storey masjid, with a muvakkithane (timekeeping room) and a fountain added later.
Prominent features
  • It is a high-rise building with a single minaret and a single balcony
  • The outer window frames are solid marble, and the minaret has survived to the present day in the form built by its benefactor
  • Its founder, Kurban Nasuh Baba, is buried in front of the mihrab
  • Although it is located among apartment buildings, it preserves its historical texture; there are other historical buildings in the region, such as the Tabaklar Mosque
  • Around the square opposite, there was a prayer area and fountain built in 1740 by Sheikh al-Islam Mehmet Sait Efendi, the son of Sheikh al-Islam Sheikh Mirza Mehmet Efendi
  • And also, on the right side of Tabaklar Square, there was the Şehzade Abdülhamid Fountain, dated 1728, and a neighborhood school next to it.