In the 1600s, it was converted into a mosque by El-Hac Ebu Bekir by adding a minbar to the masjid
It was destroyed over time and rebuilt around 1973-1974
And it was originally planned as a single-storey masjid, with a muvakkithane (timekeeping room) and a fountain added later.
Prominent features
It is a high-rise building with a single minaret and a single balcony
The outer window frames are solid marble, and the minaret has survived to the present day in the form built by its benefactor
Its founder, Kurban Nasuh Baba, is buried in front of the mihrab
Although it is located among apartment buildings, it preserves its historical texture; there are other historical buildings in the region, such as the Tabaklar Mosque
Around the square opposite, there was a prayer area and fountain built in 1740 by Sheikh al-Islam Mehmet Sait Efendi, the son of Sheikh al-Islam Sheikh Mirza Mehmet Efendi
And also, on the right side of Tabaklar Square, there was the Şehzade Abdülhamid Fountain, dated 1728, and a neighborhood school next to it.