Nasuhi Mehmet Efendi Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year :


Location :

Üsküdar, İstanbul

Ordered by :

Grand Vizier Moralı Hasan Pasha, Sheikh Mehmed Nasuhi Efendi

Architects :


- Changes after its construction
  • In the 1700s (during the reign of Mustafa III), additional funds were provided from foundations to support the expenses of the lodge
  • Esir/Çelebi İsmail Pasha rebuilt and renewed the minaret of the mosque
  • It was repaired in 1691, 1777, 1849, and 1863
  • It was repaired by the Ministry of Foundations in 1902
  • After the dervish lodges were closed in 1925, it began to be used as a mosque; the tomb was closed to visitors, and the Harem (prayer hall) and Selamlık (welcoming area) sections were used as residences by the family members descended from Sheikh Nasuhi Efendi
  • The minaret, which collapsed due to earthquake damage in the early 20th century, was rebuilt in 1966 by Alaeddin Nasuhioğlu, a member of the family, and took its current form
  • And in the 1960s, the Selamlık section was renovated, far from its original form.
- Prominent features
  • It was initially established as a lodge with its wooden semahane and annexes (additional buildings), and later its function as a mosque became more prominent
  • The window openings on the walls of the main square-planned space are rectangular with stone sills; the hipped roof, which is completed with moldings, is covered with Turkish style tiles
  • The pulpit and the shoe section of the single-balcony cut stone minaret, which has been renewed with recent interventions, extend to the eaves level and is topped with a pyramidal cone
  • Sheikh Mehmed Nasuhi Efendi is buried in the tomb
  • In the adjacent courtyard (Hazire) are the family graves; in addition, a fountain with a large reservoir built by Hasan Pasha is located to the right of the courtyard entrance.