It is rumored that its minaret collapsed in the earthquake in 1894
In 1957, with the contributions of the public, the mosque and its minaret were repaired and it took on its current appearance
In the new renovations, concrete material was used instead of the wooden entrance; the entrance section carried by four wooden columns and the well with a bracelet in the courtyard were eliminated
The women’s gallery was also converted from wood to concrete.
- Prominent features
It has a square plan and is built of cut stone; its roof was originally wooden and was later renovated with concrete
The minaret on the right side is made entirely of cut stone, and the balcony is built with six stalactites
Although the narthex contains wooden columns and a ceiling notable for its woodwork, it lost its original appearance during the renovations it underwent
The minbar and the pulpit are made of wood; the mihrab is covered with marble and attracts attention with its plain appearance
The structures surrounding the mosque, such as the grand palace, primary school, and fountain, disappeared over time, and only some traces of them have survived to the present day
There is a plain tombstone of Şehid Süleyman Pasha in the graveyard; the date 1686 indicates the year of his martyrdom.