Yayalar Köyü Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year

Unknown (Estimated to be 14-15th century)


Pendik, İstanbul

Ordered by

Unknown (It may have been built by local people or benefactors of theOttoman period)



Changes after its construction
  • It has undergone restoration work in order to preserve its historical texture.
  • Repairs may have been made with modern materials to the original wood orstone structure.
Prominent features
  • It has historical and cultural importance as it is located in Yayalar Village, one ofthe oldest settlements in Pendik.
  • It was stated that ruins from the Roman and Byzantine periods (column capitals,sarcophagus fragments) were used in the structure.
  • It has a simple and functional design that reflects traditional Ottoman villagemosque architecture.
  • Historical graves or inscriptions from the Ottoman period can be found in themosque courtyard.
  • It is likely that it was built to meet the worship needs of the local people of theregion, the Manav Turks.
  • It is one of the historical buildings that stands out in the cultural inventory studiesof Pendik Municipality.
  • In the courtyard of the Yayalar Köyü Mosque, at the entrance of the fountain andtoilet building, an inscription in Ottoman Turkish belonging to a fountain built bySalih Ağa has been fixed to the entrance of the building with cement so that it willnot be lost. According to the inscription, this fountain was built by Salih Ağa in1823-1824.
  • There is a Medusa relief in the middle of the front face of the sarcophagus, whichis said to have been brought from Aydos Castle in the courtyard of the YayalarKöyü Mosque. The sarcophagus is used as a water tank with a tap inserted intothe mouth of the Medusa motif.
  • It is not known who built this historical fountain, which is not flowing, near themosque. It was built in 1890-1891.