Grand Vizier’s Chamberlain Ali Efendi (During the reign of Sultan MustafaII)
Changes after its construction
According to Hadikatü;l-Cevami records, it was repaired and a brick minaret wasadded by Maktul Mehmet Ağa, the chamberlain of Grand Vizier Nevşehirli Damatİbrahim Pasha, in 1720-1721.
In the mid-19th century, the mosque was renovated in accordance with itsarchitectural features.
Comprehensive restoration work was carried out by the Directorate General ofFoundations between 2020-2022.
When the mosque was first built, it was located on the seashore, but over time, itbecame inland as the shore was filled in.
Prominent features
It was built on a basement floor.
It consists of a closed narthex and a harim (main prayer area).
The main space is divided into three naves by seven wooden columns withoctagonal pilaster capitals.
Columns carry the mahfil (women’s gallery) along the north, east and west walls.
On the north wing of the gallery, the part opposite the mihrab makes asemicircular projection. Wooden columns support the roof.
The walls are covered with a scalloped mosaic resembling cut stone masonryfrom the outside.
There are two rows of rectangular windows with cut stone sills on the facades.
There is a circular window above the main entrance.
The main entrance (main gate) in the north is on the axis of the mihrab.