Cendereci Muhittin Çelebi Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year

15th century


Sarıyer, İstanbul

Ordered by

Cenderecizade Muhittin Çelebi (Treasurer of Anatolia during the reign of Mehmedthe Conqueror and Chief Treasurer during the reign of his son Bayezid II)



Changes after its construction
  • In the 19th century, it was rebuilt and revived, especially within the scope of the construction activities of Sultan Abdulhamid II.
  • During this period, a primary school was built next to the mosque and it became one ofthe important structures of the village square.
  • During the Republican period and in the following years, various repairs were carried outon the roof, minaret and interior.
Prominent features
  • It is a small-scale, square-plan, masonry-walled village mosque.
  • It has a tiled roof supported by large wooden beams (instead of a large dome, a plainroof is preferred).
  • Its single-balcony minaret is made of cut stone and reflects the classical Ottoman style.
  • The mihrab is a round-arched niche on the wall; the minbar, with its wooden railings withgeometric motifs, highlights simplicity and functionality.
  • The windows have pointed arched forms and provide natural light to the interior thanksto their mutual arrangement.
  • There is an octagonal fountain (Şadırvan) in its courtyard; together with the adjacent oldprimary school (Quran course) building, it forms a small social complex.