Abbasağa Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year:



Beşiktaş, İstanbul

Ordered by:

Darüssaade Ağası (Agha of House of Fecility, also known as Kizlar Agha, “Agha of Women”) Abbas Agha



- Changes after its construction
  • It underwent extensive repairs in 1834 during the reign of Sultan Mahmud II.
  • During the reign of Sultan Abdul Hamid II, the mosque and minaret were repaired and a wooden enclosure was added for the mosque officials.
  • It was transferred to the Land Office in 1944 and used as a flour warehouse for a while. It underwent various restorations in the 20th century and reached its present state.
- Prominent Features
  • It was built by Abbas Agha, one of the important Darüssaade Aghas (“House of Fecility”) of the Ottoman Empire.
  • The building, built on cut stone walls, has a wooden roof and tile covering.
  • It is one of the rare mosques with a Sultan’s Lodge.
  • Next to the mosque is a fountain dated 1669.
  • The district where the mosque is located began to be known as the “Abbasağa District” over time.
  • The courtyard of the mosque is surrounded by high walls and has two entrances, one opening directly into the mosque and the other into the Sultan’s Lodge.
  • The interior has a wooden ceiling and features geometric ornaments, gilded motifs and elegant examples of Ottoman woodwork.
  • The minaret of the mosque has a cylindrical body and a single balcony rising on a square base.