Sheikh Suleyman Abdülhalim Efendi (Sheikh of Rifai Sufi Order)
Changes after its construction
It was built in 1860 as the Rifai Lodge.
It was converted into a mosque in 1926 in accordance with the law of closing the DervishLodges and Zawiyas.
In the 1940s, it was the only place of worship in Kozyatağı.
In 1955, under the leadership of Sefer Kalfa, the worn-out parts were repaired andenlarged, and a concrete minaret was built instead of the wooden one.
Since it was not possible to expand the mosque, Kozyatağı Mehmet Çavuş Mosque wasbuilt nearby in 1992 and opened for worship in 1997.
In 2015, it was restored to its original state and started to serve as a women’s Qurancourse.
Prominent features
It is a mosque with a single minaret and a single balcony.
In order to enlarge the mosque, a concrete pillar was added to the rear wall, the roof wasraised and a small upper gallery (Sermahfil) for women was added.
The tiles in the middle of the left side wall show the alignment of the old roof of themosque.
Its first minaret was made of wood, but the current concrete minaret was built by SeferKalfa in 1955.
Sefer Kalfa made great efforts in the construction of the mosque and later served as theheadman of Kozyatağı for many years.