Ahmed Emir Buhari Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year:



Fatih, İstanbul

Ordered by:

Emir Ahmed Buhari



- Changes after its construction:
  • It was built as a semahane in the 16th century on the vaults of the Vilakarna Palace from the Byzantine period.
  • It was repaired in 1845, rebuilt in the mid-19th century and in 1962.
  • After the closure of the dervish lodges in 1925, it fell into disrepair and was destroyed by fires in 1946 and 1962.
  • It was restored by Fatih Municipality in 2008/2009 and opened for worship.
- Prominent Features:
  • It is also known as the Sheikh Selim Tekke Mosque.
  • It initially served as a dervish lodge and a mosque.
  • It was built on a rectangular, barrel-vaulted substructure from the Byzantine period.
  • The walls are built with rubble stones and reinforced with brick lines.
  • While the mihrab has a plain structure in the old style, the minbar, pulpit and women’s gallery are made of wood.
  • It has no minaret.
  • What have survived to the present day are the ruins of the walls, the mihrab, the mihrab inscription and the tombs of the sheikhs buried in the graveyard.