Ali Fakih Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year:



Fatih, İstanbul

Ordered by:

Ali Fakih Efendi (Chief Shepherd of Mehmed the Conqueror)



- Changes after its construction:
  • It was demolished as a result of the earthquakes of 1893-94 and rebuilt from cut stone masonry.
  • The mosque, which had fallen into disrepair over time, was rebuilt by an Egyptian philanthropist in 1910.
  • It was rebuilt in 1986 by the residents of the neighborhood on its old foundations in accordance with the original.
- Prominent Features:
  • It is also known as Kavak Mosque.
  • In its former state, it is known as one of the oldest squat mosques in Istanbul.
  • The mosque has a square plan and its roof is covered with tiles.
  • The ceiling is concrete and covered with wood.
  • The women’s gallery, pulpit, minbar and mihrab are made of marble.
  • The minaret base on the right remains from the old building, the body of the minaret is made of alternating brick and stone, and has a lead spire.
  • Opposite the mosque are the fountain of Sultan Mahmud II and the Beşir Ağa Primary School.
  • The following inscription is on the stone plaque, thought to have been placed in the 19th century, above the window on the side wall of the mosque. The inscription reads, “Fatiha* for the soul of Fatih (tr: Conqueror) Sultan Mehmed Khan’s Chief Shepherd Ali Fakih Hazretleri.”


*Fatiha (ar: Al-Fatiha): The first chapter of the Holy Quran. It is an Islamic tradition to recite this chapter for the dead’s repose.