It was built as a mosque by Arakiyeci Mehmet Ağa in 1520.
It was converted into a mosque by adding a minbar by Reis Abdullah Efendi, the mühürdar (stamp officer) of Grand Vizier Pargalı Maktul/Makbul Damat Ibrahim Pasha.
It was revived on a large scale between 1951 and 1958.
- Prominent Features:
It is also known as Yeni Çeşme Mosque and Takyeci (Takkeci) Mehmet Ağa Mosque.
It was transformed from a wooden structure to a reinforced concrete and domeless structure.
The mosaic minaret is located on the right side of the mosque, has an interior entrance and a single balcony.
There are 11 ornamented windows decorated with the names of the Companions of the Prophet.
The minbar and the pulpit are made of polished wood, and the mihrab is made of plaster.
The women’s gallery and the muezzin’s gallery are made of reinforced concrete.
All of the walls are covered with tiles up to the top of the windows.
The historical fountain nearby is an active charity of Grand Vizier Çorlulu Ali Pasha.