Arakiyeci Mehmet Ağa Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year:



Fatih, İstanbul

Ordered by:

Arakiyeci Mehmet Ağa



- Changes after its construction:
  • It was built as a mosque by Arakiyeci Mehmet Ağa in 1520.
  • It was converted into a mosque by adding a minbar by Reis Abdullah Efendi, the mühürdar (stamp officer) of Grand Vizier Pargalı Maktul/Makbul Damat Ibrahim Pasha.
  • It was revived on a large scale between 1951 and 1958.
- Prominent Features:
  • It is also known as Yeni Çeşme Mosque and Takyeci (Takkeci) Mehmet Ağa Mosque.
  • It was transformed from a wooden structure to a reinforced concrete and domeless structure.
  • The mosaic minaret is located on the right side of the mosque, has an interior entrance and a single balcony.
  • There are 11 ornamented windows decorated with the names of the Companions of the Prophet.
  • The minbar and the pulpit are made of polished wood, and the mihrab is made of plaster.
  • The women’s gallery and the muezzin’s gallery are made of reinforced concrete.
  • All of the walls are covered with tiles up to the top of the windows.
  • The historical fountain nearby is an active charity of Grand Vizier Çorlulu Ali Pasha.