Arpacılar Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year:



Fatih, İstanbul

Ordered by:

Sheikh Mehmed Geylani and his brother Ali Geylani



- Changes the building has undergone since its construction
  • It has been damaged and devastated by the natural disasters that Istanbul has experienced at various periods.
  • It was rebuilt in 1830-1831 by the order of Sultan Mahmud II.
  • During the reign of Sultan Abdulmejid, a comprehensive repair was carried out upon the recommendation of Bursalı Ali Rıza Effendi, the Minister of Foundations.
  • Restoration was carried out during the reign of Sultan Abdul Hamid II.
  • It was restored again in the 1970s.
- Prominent features of the mosque
  • It was built in Eminönü as a Ni’me’l-Ceyş* souvenir for Sheikh Mehmed Geylani, one of the important figures who participated in the conquest of Istanbul.
  • It was one of the first mosques built after the conquest of Istanbul and contributed to the formation of the first Muslim neighborhoods of the new Ottoman capital.
  • It was used as a sufi hub by the brothers Mehmed and Ali Geylani, descendants of the famous Sufi sheikh Sayyid Abdul Qadir Jilani.
  • It has survived to the present day with the restorations of Ottoman sultans such as Sultan Mahmud II, Abdulmejid and Abdul Hamid II.

*The soldiers who participated in the Conquest of Istanbul were honored with the title Ni’me’l Ceyş (Delighted Soldiers) and the commander who carried out the conquest was honored with the title Ni’me’l-Emir (Delighted Commander).