Bostani Ali Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year:



Fatih, İstanbul

Ordered by:

Bostancıbaşı (Chief Gardener) Ali Ağa



- Changes after its construction:
  • His minbar was placed by Reis ül-Küttab (Minister of Foreign Affairs of the period) Samizade Efendi, and his grave is in front of the mihrab wall of the mosque.
  • The narthex was added by Mimar (Architect) Alaaddin Bey in 1922.
  • The place of worship has been repaired in recent years.
- Prominent Features:
  • Also known as Kadırga Liman Mosque
  • It has a square plan and is located in a courtyard.
  • Its walls are built of two rows of bricks and one row of cut stone. Its roof is covered with tiles.
  • It has a single minaret made of fine brick.
  • The place of worship is illuminated by 12 windows, 2 on each side.
  • There is a verse of the Quran written by the calligrapher Hamid above the entrance door. The glass of the upper windows is colored.
  • The foundation charter of the mosque bears the signature of the famous Sheikh al-Islam Ebussuud Efendi, one of the statesmen of Suleiman the Magnificent.
  • The location of Bostancıbaşı Ali Ağa’s grave is unknown and it is well-known that he was a martyr.
  • The walls of the mosque and the narthex are made of stone.