Cezayirli Gazi Hasanpaşa Mosque

Audio Narration:

Construction Year:

16th century (First built by Cerrah Mahmut Efendi), 1781 (By Cezayirli Hasan Pasha)


Sarıyer, İstanbul

Ordered by:

Cerrah Mahmut Efendi (Doctor of Admiral Kılıç Ali Pasha)



- Changes after its construction
  • In 1781, extensive repairs were made by Cezayirli Hasan Pasha and a fountain was added adjacent to the graveyard.
  • After this restoration, the mosque began to be called the Cezayirli Hasan PashaMosque.
- Prominent features
  • It bears traces of both 16th century and 18th century Ottoman architecture.
  • The fountain, built adjacent to the graveyard, is an important social structure added to the mosque by Cezayirli Hasan Pasha.
  • It has a short, broad-based minaret with a single balcony. The upper part of theminaret is completed with a pointed cone like in classical Ottoman mosques.
  • The main facade of the building is quite plain and sparsely decorated. Its small,arched windows are striking.
  • Its red-tiled roof and light-colored exterior give it a more modest appearance than traditional Ottoman mosques.
  • The mihrab is faced with stone and contains a traditional arched niche.
  • The wooden minbar is simple, but it bears the characteristics of traditional Ottoman mosques with the details on its upper part.
  • It forms a historical complex together with the surrounding cemetery.
  • The mosque is an important work in terms of Istanbul’s maritime history and Ottoman cultural heritage, with the contributions of both Cerrah Mahmut Efendi and Cezayirli Hasan Pasha.