Defterdar Tahir Efendi Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year:



Üsküdar, İstanbul

Ordered by:

Seyyid Mehmed Tahir Effendi



- Changes after its construction
  • The mosque underwent extensive restoration in 1898. An expansion was made on the north side and Western-style decorations were added to the Harim door.
  • The school built to the north of the mosque has not survived to the present day and a hotel was built in its place.
  • Two fountains were built adjacent to the north wall of the mosque courtyard and a third fountain facing west; only one of these fountains has survived to the present day.
- Prominent features
  • The mosque has a simple design reflecting the Empire style, made of cut stone and brick. The roof of the mosque is also made of wood and tiles.
  • There are two entrances in the courtyard of the mosque; the main gate on the street is made of marble in the Turkish Baroque style and has a canopy.
  • There is a hanging lamp motif on the mihrab; the minbar and the preacher’s pulpit are made of wood and decorated with green and gilded paints.
  • The panel with the inscription “Ya Hazret-i Bilal-i Habeşi” (“O Hazrat Bilal of Abyssinia”, one of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad) on it, which is recorded on Tahir Effendi’s colophon, is among the original elements of the mosque.
  • The single-balcony brick minaret is decorated with white cut stone details and ends with a cone that tapers towards the top.
  • The mosque is also called Harem Mosque or Harem Iskele Mosque; due to its historical location, it was first located on the seaside.