Fatmahatun Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year



Üsküdar, İstanbul

Ordered by

Fatma Hatun



Changes after its construction
  • It was rebuilt in 1762. There is no information about the previous structure.
  • It was damaged by fire in 1887.
  • The inscription on the mosque door was placed on the Selami Ali Efendi Fountainopposite it for fear of losing it after the fire.
  • It was reopened for worship with the restoration carried out in 2018 and the inscription was placed in its original place, above the door.
Prominent features
  • Fatma Hatun Mosque was built entirely of wood, but it lost its originality with the repairs made over time.
  • It has a rectangular plan, a hipped roof and is covered with tiles.
  • It has a single balcony, completely wooden, lattice-shaped minaret.
  • The ceiling and floor are covered with wood.
  • It is thought to have a historical past connected to the Selami Ali Efendi Fountain located opposite it.