Lala Hüseyin Pasha (One of Suleiman the Magnificent's viziers)
- Changes after its construction
His minbar was placed by Has Odabaşı Hasan Agha and he is buried in the garden of the mosque.
The building, which was ruined and destroyed over time, was started to be built in 1974 by the association founded by Hacı Şakir Efendi and was rebuilt and opened for worship in a short period of 4 months. The pool was later renovated.
Due to the fire that broke out in the residence section of the mosque on February 12, 2025, the outbuilding became unusable.
- Prominent features
There is a pool on the outside of the mosque. The minbar and the preacher’s pulpit are made of walnut and the mihrab is made of marble. There is no narthex. It has a single-balcony minaret made of brick.
According to sources, it is written that its founder, Lala Hüseyin Pasha, was buried next to the tekke built by Grand Vizier Mustafa Pasha outside the city walls.
It is also known that it was built on a Byzantine structure.