The mosque, which remained in ruins for many years, was renovated between 1955 and 1960 when the City Hall was built.
It was later repaired again in 1977. However, no trace of the first structure can be seen in its current building.
- Prominent features
The mosque, which is made of masonry and has a wooden roof, has 5-meter- high walls made of rubble stone.
The mihrab is covered with ceramics, the minbar and ceiling are wooden. The roof is covered with tiles.
The stone steps to the right of the entrance lead to the women's gallery. A wooden section was added to the front of the mosque. It has a single-balcony minaret.
There are beautiful gravestones from the 18th century in the graveyard.
It is also mentioned that the founder of the mosque, Sekbanbaşı Mehmed Agha, was buried here.
Nearby are the Sheikh al-Islam Mehmed Efendi and Kazım Agha madrasahs and the Defterdar Fountain.