Keçecipiri Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year:

16th century


Beyoğlu, İstanbul

Ordered by:

Keçecipiri Mehmet Ağa



- Changes after its construction
  • It was first built as a masjid and was changed into a mosque by Uncu Halil Ağa by adding a minbar.
  • It was rebuilt by Emetullah Kadın, the Başkadın (the title given to the imperial consort who gives birth to Sultan’s first child) of Ahmed III.
  • The school located below was also built as a part of the mosque, but it has not survived to the present day.
  • The mosque underwent various repairs over time and the narthex was added.
- Prominent Features
  • It was built on a total land of 868 m² and has a prayer area of 116 m².
  • It is a magnificent structure, there is a tomb at the bottom and this tomb belongs to Mehmet Efendi, the founder of the mosque.
  • The walls are made of masonry, the roof is covered with wood and brick. It is a domeless structure.
  • There is a stone minaret with a single balcony on the west facade.
  • There is a fountain on the courtyard wall, dated 1706-1707, it is known that the fountain was built by Hazinedar Eyüp Ağa.