In 1760, the masjid was converted into a mosque as a status by adding a minbar by Mollacıkzâde Ali Paşa.
It was repaired in 1978, and its windows and frames were changed.
In 1981, the narthex and minaret were rebuilt by benefactors Hüseyin Selçuk and Hayreddin Duran.
The fountain built together with the mosque is still in place, and there is no trace left of its madrasah.
Its restoration was completed by the Directorate General of Foundations in 2018 and it was opened for worship.
- Prominent features
It is also known as “Süleyman Subaşı Mosque” and “Karcı Süleyman Mosque”.
The walls of the mosque are made of brick and stone; its roof is made of wood.
The narthex is made of reinforced concrete.
The entire interior, including the mihrab, from the ground to the lower windows is covered with tiles.
The minbar and the pulpit are made of wood, the ceiling is flat, and the upper gallery is accessed from inside the mosque.
It has a single-balcony minaret; the mosque, which has an interior area of 76 m², has an entrance door.
There is also a large water tank.
Some of the ceiling decorations have fallen off and these areas have been covered with plaster.
The windows have iron bars and the courtyard is surrounded by a stone wall.
The famous poet Mehmet Akif Ersoy performed tarawih prayers in this mosque during his student years and recited the “mukabele” (Mutual Quranic recitation) during the months of Ramadan for two years.