Fatih Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year

15th century (Masjid), 1965 (Mosque)


Küçükçekmece, İstanbul

Ordered by

Mehmed the Conqueror



Changes after its construction
  • The small masjid, which was built by Mehmed the Conqueror on his return from thecampaign, was converted into a mosque in 1965 with donations from the public underthe leadership of the Repair and Revitalization Association.
  • It is documented in the records that the mosque belongs to the Mehmed the ConquerorFoundation.
  • It was repaired after the earthquake in 1809 by the order of Grand Vizier Yusuf ZiyaPasha.
  • According to the Sultan’s fiat dated 1865, it is stated that 52,234.5 Kuruş (Ottomancurrency of the time) was spent for the repair of the mosque.
  • The mosque, which was damaged in the 1894 Istanbul earthquake, was repaired bySultan Abdulhamid II.
  • In 1967, as part of the expansion work, the old building was demolished and rebuilt inreinforced concrete, and a larger minaret was added.
Prominent features
  • It is a rectangular planned building positioned in the north-south direction.
  • Entrance is provided from the west and east sides.
  • The main entrance is in the south and is accessed through an open hall connected tothe courtyard.
  • A prayer area reserved for women is located in the narthex.
  • The mihrab located on the south wall of the harim (prayer hall) is decorated withmuqarnas decorations and is made of marble.
  • The minbar and the preacher’s pulpit are covered with tiles.
  • The walls of the harim are covered with tiles approximately one meter high.
  • The base of the minaret is made of cut stone and is thought to belong to the originalstructure.
  • Its minaret was raised after the restoration in 1967.
  • The body of the minaret has grooved, zigzag decorations.
  • In the southern section, there are round-arched, keystone windows on both sides of themihrab and on the north and east facades.
  • There is a women gallery on the upper floor, and a Quran course is located on thenorth wall.
  • The mosque and the additional buildings have hipped roofs and are covered with tiles.
  • On the southeastern facade of the mosque, there are two original inscriptions from the19th century.