Mahmut Ağa Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year:



Beyoğlu, İstanbul

Ordered by:

Mahmud Ağa, the Kapıcı Ağa (Gatekeeper Agha) of Suleiman the Magnificent


Mimar Sinan

- Changes after its construction
  • It was repaired by Seyyid Pasha, the Minister of Artillery, in 1889-1890, and the lead coating on its dome was removed and a wooden roof was built instead.
  • When the mosque was first built, it had a dome and was covered with lead, but over time its roof was made of wood.
  • In 1965 it underwent a major renovation and was enlarged, with a larger narthex added to its interior.
  • It went through various repairs and renovations at various periods.
- Prominent Features
  • It is also known as the Çavuşbaşı Mosque and Sütlüce Mahmut Ağa Mosque.
  • It was built on a total land of 600 m² and is built on an area of 400 m².
  • It has a single-balcony minaret made of brick.
  • The walls of the mosque are made of two rows of bricks and cut limestone. The minaret is made of stone, and the preacher’s pulpit and minbar are wooden.
  • Around the mosque, there are the ruins of a disused historical fountain and a ruined bathhouse.
  • The graves of the benefactor Mahmud Ağa and Imam Hasan Gürel, who served in the mosque for 55 years, are in the garden of the mosque. The tombs of İshak Cemalettin-i Karman and family graves are located near the mosque.