Manisalı Mehmed Pasha (One of the scholars and statesmen during the reign of
Mehmed the Conqueror)
- Changes after its construction
“Atpazarı Tekke” was added to the mosque in the 17th century.
The mosque, which was damaged in the Cibali fire in 1918, was in a dilapidated state consisting of four walls, but with the help of locals Dr. İsmail Kurtulmuş and Raşit Küçük, it was repaired in accordance with the original and opened for worship in 1960-1964.
- Prominent features
It is also known as the "Kul Mosque" because the twelve janissary soup chefs responsible for the security of Istanbul performed their evening prayers here.
It has masonry walls, a flat concrete ceiling; its walls are built with brick and cut stone, and its roof is covered with tiles.
It has a single-balcony minaret.
Its mihrab is covered with Kütahya tiles.
Its gallery was expanded with the addition above the narthex.
The benefactor of the mosque, Manisalı Mehmed Pasha, is buried in front of the mihrab.