Neslişah Sultan Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year:

Late 16th century


Fatih, İstanbul

Ordered by:

Mehmed Bey's daughter Neslişah Sultan (Her mother is Gevher Mülük Sultan, daughter of Sultan Bayezid II)



- Changes after its construction
  • The mosque, which fell into disrepair over time due to neglect, was repaired with public
    assistance in 1955.
- Prominent features
  • It is also known as “Neslişah Mosque”.
  • It was built of cut stone masonry.
  • The ceiling is flat and wooden, and the roof is covered with lead.
  • The double-row arched windows on the front and side facades give the mosque a bright
  • The right wall is supported by struts.
  • The minaret, whose balcony railing is made of stone and whose cone is covered with
    lead, is located to the right of the upper gallery stairs.
  • The mosque, which covers an area of 180 m² including the narthex, has a single arched
  • The upper gallery is made of wood and is located at the back of the harim.
  • The minbar and the pulpit are made of wood, and the mihrab is made of plaster.
  • It has a well-maintained graveyard.
  • A fountain located near the mosque and fed by the water of Suleiman the Magnificent is
    known as the Sultan Fountain
  • Neslişah Sultan, her husband İskender Bey and Zal Pasha are buried in the cemetery
    next to the school built by Zal Mahmud Pasha in Eyüp.