Nuruosmaniye Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year:

1749 - 1755


Fatih, İstanbul

Ordered by:

Sultan Mahmud I, completed by Sultan Osman III


Simeon Kalfa

- Changes after its construction
  • It was built under the influence of the Baroque style. Although it is claimed that an architect sent to Europe examined the cathedrals, this has not been proven true.
  • At the end of the 19th century, the lead cones on the minarets were replaced with stone cones.
  • The courtyard was designed in a semicircular shape in accordance with the Baroque aesthetics and was used for the first time in Turkish art.
  • The interior and exterior decorations of the mosque bear traces of Turkish Baroque art.
  • The mosque has undergone various repair and maintenance works; Baroque motifs were used especially in the courtyard and exterior decorations.
- Prominent features
  • The mosque has a square plan and is covered with a large dome. The dome rests on four large arches and increases the width of the space.
  • The transition from the outer courtyard to the arcaded courtyard is provided by stairs, and the semicircular structure of the courtyard is seen as an innovative element in Turkish art.
  • Inside the mosque, the decorations in line with the Baroque style, stained glass, plastered windows, and the marble mihrab and minbar decorated with Baroque motifs attract attention.
  • The outbuildings of the mosque include the Royal Pavillion, a madrasah, a library, a tomb, a fountain, soup kitchen and shops.
  • The library has a unique plan, influenced by the Baroque style, and is surrounded by a central dome resting on four columns in the reading hall.
  • In the tomb located to the northeast of the mosque lies the mother of Osman III, Şehsuvar Valide Sultan. In addition to the tomb, some of the children of Hibetullah Sultan and Sultan Mahmud II are also buried here.
  • The fountains are elegant examples of Turkish Baroque art; the bronze networks and marble works of the fountain are adorned with Baroque decorative motifs.