Hacı Sinan Agha, Pirinççibaşı (Chief Rice-maker) of Mehmed the Conqueror
- Changes after its construction
Grand Vizier Bayram Pasha converted the masjid into a mosque by adding a minbar.
Karakızzade Istanbullu Ali Efendi donated a sum of money for the maintenance and repair of the mosque.
It was repaired and opened for worship in 1963 under the leadership of the Foundations Administration and with the help of the public.
- Prominent features
It is also known as the “Pirinççi Mosque”.
The mosque is made of masonry, its ceiling is concrete, and its roof is covered with tiles.
Its minaret has a single balcony and is built with a round body made of 4 rows of bricks and a row of stone.
There is no inscription belonging to the mosque.
The interior of the mihrab is made of ceramics, and the minbar and pulpit are made of marble.
In the graveyard in front of the mihrab, the founder Sinan Agha, Ali Efendi, Sheikh Yazdan and Sheikh Süleyman Efendi, who were members of the Halvetiye (Khalwati) Order and died in 1574, are buried.
The four-storey main hall is located at the front of the mosque, the upper floor is used as a girls Quran course, and the other floors are used as main hall by the mosque officials.