Rami Library Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year:


Location :

Eyüpsultan, İstanbul

Ordered by :

Mahmud II



- Changes the building has undergone since its construction
  • Due to the urgency of the barracks and to reduce costs, the mosque was initially built with a flat roof, without a dome or minaret.
  • In 1835, a wooden dome was added to the mosque and covered with lead sheets.
  • A stone minaret was added in 1836.
  • During the occupation of Istanbul (1918-1923), French forces used the barracks mosque as an ammunition depot.
  • The mosque was completely burned and the adjacent bathhouse was partially damaged in a fire that broke out on June 28, 1919. The mosque suffered great damage due to explosions during the fire and only its minaret remained standing.
- Prominent features of the mosque
  • The mosque was initially built without a dome or minaret, and a wooden dome and stone minaret were added later.
  • During the occupation period, the mosque was used as an ammunition depot and was severely damaged by fire.
  • The mosque, whose minaret remained standing in the fire, was recorded as a work of charity from the Mahmud II Foundation.
  • It is also known as Rami Barracks Mosque.