Reşadiye Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year



Pendik, İstanbul

Ordered by

Sultan Mehmed V



Changes after its construction
  • There was no Muslim population in the Pendik and Kartal regions until thebeginning of the 20th century – except for civil servants – and therefore nomosque was built. However, in order to meet the needs of the increasing Muslimpopulation, it was decided to build a mosque in the region in 1908 during thereign of Abdulhamid II. However, due to political events, the mosque was built inthe name of Sultan Mehmed V.
  • The mosque was enlarged by adding reinforced concrete elements in addition toits original masonry structure.
  • With a decision taken by the Pendik Mufti Office in 1991, the mosque wasrenamed Hilmi Abbas Paşa Mosque;.
  • During the restoration work, the reinforced concrete parts added to the originalstructure were removed and an attempt was made to return the structure to itsoriginal state.
Prominent features
  • It has the importance of being the last imperial mosque built in Istanbul.
  • The mosque is named after Sultan Mehmed V Reşad and was built during hisreign.
  • The building is designed as two floors: ground floor and upper floor.
  • The walls of the mosque consist of a stone masonry system.
  • There are Jeli Thuluth inscriptions by calligrapher Ömer Vasfi Efendi on theentrance gate of the mosque.
  • In the garden of the mosque, there is an inscription of a fountain that does notexist today.
  • Inside the mosque, there are important religious objects such as a woven carpetwith a mihrab pattern, brass candlesticks and the “Blessed Beard” (Holy Relic) ofthe Prophet Muhammad.
  • The mosque is one of the late-era examples of Ottoman architecture and has aT-plan structure.