Ahmet Efendi (Grand Vizier Has Murad Pasha's chamberlain)
- Changes after its construction
In 1827, Şem’i Molla had the mosque repaired and a fountain added in the name of his wife Ayşe Revnak Hanım. For this reason, the building began to be known as the Şem’i Molla Mosque.
The mosque, including its high windows, was renovated during the reign of Abdulhamid II.
- Prominent features
It is also known as “Ahmed Kethüda Mosque” and “Aşki Molla Mosque”.
It is a rectangular building, and its walls are built of stone.
Its mihrab is made of plaster and has no inscription.
The minbar, preacher’s pulpit and upper gallery are made of wood.
The entrance to the single-balcony concrete minaret is inside the mosque.