Serhazin Süleymanağa Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year:



Beşiktaş, İstanbul

Ordered by:

Darüssaade Ağası (Agha of House of Fecility) Süleyman Ağa



- Changes after its construction
  • It was renovated by Darüssaade Ağası Anber Agha in 1860-1861.
  • Over time, the bathhouse and school belonging to the mosque were destroyed.
  • Only the mosque and the fountain have survived to this day.
- Prominent Features
  • It is also known as Anber Ağa Mosque, Serencebey Mosque, Hazinedar Ağa Mosque and Serhazin Süleyman Anber Ağa Mosque.
  • It has an irregular plan due to the land it is located on.
  • It is a small building with a wooden roof and masonry walls.
  • Next to the mosque, there is a fountain built by Bezm-i Alem Valide Sultan, the mother of Sultan Abdülmecid.
  • It is entered through the door on the eastern wall of the narthex.
  • The women’s gallery has a structure extending to the Harim with three curved projections resting on thin wooden poles.
  • The flat wooden ceiling has rectangular and square sections formed by slats and is covered with tiles.
  • It has a total of 11 large, flat round arched windows.
  • The windows are surrounded by cut stone jambs on the outside and there are decorations on the keystones.
  • The mihrab is a simple niche covered with tiles.
  • There are finely crafted wood carvings on the wooden minbar.
  • The cut stone minaret bears classical Ottoman architectural elements.