Tabaklar Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year :


Location :

Üsküdar, İstanbul

Ordered by :

Hacı Ferhat Agha and Hacı Mehmet Agha

Architects :


- Changes after its construction
  • It underwent extensive repairs in 1803
  • It also underwent a major renovation in 1973 and gained its current appearance thanks to these restoration works
  • The mosque’s graveyard was added later.
- Prominent features
  • It is also known as the “Konyalı Biraderler Mosque” and the “Debbağlar Mosque”
  • The construction of the mosque was realised by using the materials left over during the construction of the “Valide-i Atik Mosque”
  • In order to provide income for the Valide-i Atik Mosque, shops (tanneries) were built near the mosque, which caused the mosque to be called “Tabaklar Mosque”
  • It is a building with a single minaret and a single balcony
  • The walls of the masjid are made of stone and the minaret is made of brick
  • Its roof is made of wood, and above the courtyard door opening onto the street is a verse written on a marble stone with a sunray motif
  • It takes its name from the stream flowing next to Tabaklar Square
  • In the graveyard on the qibla side, the graves of the deceased ser-halife-i meczuban-ı ilahi (“Head Master of the Lovers of the Divine”) Sadık Baba, who passed away in 1869, İmam Ali Efendi, who passed away in 1797, and Abdullah Efendi, who passed away in 1726, are located
  • The area where the mosque is located was called “Tabaklar Neighborhood” until the regulations in 2008
  • In the vicinity of the mosque, there is a fountain built by Darüssaâde Ağası (“Agha of the House of Felicity”) Mehmet Agha in 1587, a prayer area, a Bedevi Sufi Lodge, Hüseyin Baba Tomb, and Balcı Ahmet Dede Tomb.