Tüccarbaşı Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year



Kadıköy, İstanbul

Ordered by

Fatma Zehra Hanım



Changes after its construction
  • It was repaired in 1982.
  • In 2011, a calligraphy plaque with the “Basmala” (In the name of Allah, the MostMerciful, the Most Gracious) and the “Nazar Duası” (Evil Eye Prayer) written on indigoblue paper in the mosque was stolen.
  • It was restored in 2015 and reopened for worship in 2019.
Prominent features
  • The mosque minbar and preacher’s pulpit are made of wood, and its mihrab is made ofmarble.
  • It has a single minaret and a single balcony.
  • In its courtyard is the tomb of Fatma Zehra Hanım, who had the fountain and mosquebuilt.
  • The mosque, located in the garden, has a rectangular plan and was built with smooth cutstone material.
  • Entrance is provided through a preparation area surrounded by glass on three sides.
  • From the narthex, marble stairs lead to the women’s gallery.
  • The main space is surrounded by a horseshoe-shaped section on three sides.
  • The women gallery consists of four pointed arched openings in the east and five in thewest.
  • The cone part of the minaret has rectangular decoration within a square and containseyebrow arch details.