Tuğlacıbaşı Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year



Kadıköy, İstanbul

Ordered by

Tuğlacıbaşı (Chief Bricklayer) Hacı Mustafa Şevki Efendi


Vasıf Efendi

Changes after its construction
  • Over time, additional sections were built.
  • The minbar, the mihrab and the preacher’s pulpit were later covered with marble.
  • Its minaret was damaged due to neglect and was rebuilt in 1966.
Prominent features
  • The star motifs on the minaret balconies are striking.
  • The grave of Hacı Mustafa Efendi is in its courtyard.
  • The orange tree, which offers a nostalgic atmosphere with its fruits ripening in the wintermonths, adds a different atmosphere to the mosque.
  • It has an appearance of a modest house and has a single-balcony minaret.
  • The fountain in the courtyard is a peaceful break for those who want to cool off,especially in the summer months.