Yusuf Şucaattin Anbari (One of the scholars of Mehmed the Conqueror period)
- Changes after its construction
Its minbar was placed by İsmail Efendi, who was a trustee (a person who was given the management of a foundation or something similar).
As understood from the inscription on the entrance gate, the mosque was repaired in 1766 and 1982.
Finally, in 1987, when the Golden Horn was being opened, it was stuck between two roads and underwent significant renovations.
During the restoration in 1987, the mosque lost its original architectural feature when the minaret was moved from the west facade to the north facade.
- Prominent features
It is also known as “Balat Iskele Mosque”.
Next to the entrance gate on the south side is the Hafize Hanım Fountain with an inscription dated 1828.
The mosque, which has masonry walls, a flat concrete ceiling and roof, is built high above the ground.
The mosque is illuminated by two rectangular windows on the right and left of the mihrab wall and three rectangular windows on the east and west walls.
The walls are covered with paneling up to the bottom of the windows.
The mihrab, minbar and preacher’s pulpit are covered with tiles and made of wood.
The women’s gallery and muezzin’s gallery is on four pillars and has a wooden railing in front.
The entrance to the single-balcony minaret is from the gallery.