Laleli Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year:



Fatih, İstanbul

Ordered by:

Sultan III. Mustafa


Chief Architect of Imperial Palace Kara Hacı Ahmed Agha (Started) and Mehmed Tahir Agha (Completed)

- Changes after its construction
  • Some of the shops of the complex were burned in the fire in 1782, and the ruined mosque was repaired in 1783 and 1846.
  • When Ordu Street was widened in 1957-1958, the outer courtyard gate was pulled back and shops were added.
  • The madrasah was destroyed by the earthquake of 1894 and the fire of 1911, and apartment buildings were built in its place.
- Prominent features
  • Although it was built in the Baroque style, it also contains some elements of classical Turkish architecture.
  • It is covered with a large dome with eight supports. It has a five-domed narthex and a courtyard with a fountain and arcades. The decorations in the Harim are made using serpentine breccia, pink breccia and dark grey stone slabs.
  • The mosque has two polygonal minarets with a single balcony. The minaret in the east rises from the Sultan’s Ramp (A stone or a marble ridge where the Sultans dismount). The balconies of the minarets are decorated with openwork networks.
  • the inner courtyard, there is an eight-columned fountain. The bazaar is located under the mosque and is connected to the outer courtyard by two doors. The bazaar shops are arranged according to the mosque and the courtyard plan.
  • The shrine is on the west of the mosque, has a decagonal plan. Mustafa III, Selim III and the children of Mustafa III are buried in the shrine, which is decorated with baroque decorations. The walls of it are covered with 16th century Iznik tiles. There is also another tomb with a square plan next to the shrine.
  • Around the outer courtyard are shops and elegant Baroque curved fountains. Some of the fountains are located next to the window of need built for Adilshah Kadın.
  • The timing room (muvakkithane) was added to the complex in the 1770s. It is located at the beginning of the ramped road and has stone-framed doors and windows.
  • The Inn (Taşhan) has three courtyards and two floors. The Inn, located on Fethibey Street, is also known as Sipahiler or Çukur Çeşme Inn in some sources. There are barrel vaults in the arcaded courtyards and mirrored vaults in the rooms. The Inn is currently used as a bazaar.