Hacı Hüseyin Ağa Mosque
Audio Narration
Construction Year:
Fatih, İstanbul
Ordered by:
Ahmet Dede
- Changes after its construction
- It was repaired in 1945.
- It was repaired by the conservation association in 1970.
- Restoration work was carried out by Fatih Municipality in 2011.
- Prominent features
- he mosque’s imam, Ali Efendi, had its minbar installed.
- It has a square plan and was built with rubble stone. Later, the narthex was made of wood, and a glass-fronted shoe rack was built in front of it. In the narthex, there is the imam’s room on the left and the upper gallery stairs on the right.
- In the Harim, there is an upper gallery with four wooden pillars and wooden railings, all the way above the entrance wall.
- The walls are covered with paneling up to the lower windows. The mihrab is made of tiles, the minbar is made of polished wood, and the pulpit is made of white painted wood. The wooden ceiling is decorated with laths and painted with green oil paint. The roof of the mosque is made of wood and covered with tiles.
- The base of the minaret, which is adjacent to the courtyard wall to the right of the courtyard entrance, is made of stone and covered with ceramics. The body of the minaret is covered with tiles, the balcony is made of stone, and the cone is covered with lead.
- It is also called the “Arab Kuyusu (Arab Well) Mosque” because an Arab dug a well in the mosque courtyard at an unknown date. There is a cemetery on the left and in front of the mihrab. The fountain, which is still flowing and dated 1600, opposite the entrance door of the mosque courtyard is a charity of Ahmed Dede. It is mentioned that the Sunbuli Sufi Order once performed services in this mosque. With the closure of the lodges in the Republican period, the building continued to be used as a mosque.
- In the courtyard, a flat stone placed on a Byzantine column capital is used as amulet stone.