Ferhatpaşa Mosque

Audio Narration

Construction Year:

1575 (The inscription of the mosque states the date 1597-98, but Mimar Sinan had already passed away 10 years before that date)


Çatalca, İstanbul

Ordered by:

Damat Ferhat Pasha (Disputed)


Mimar Sinan

- Changes after its construction:
  • It was repaired by the Foundations Administration between 1968-1970.
  • It is thought that the wooden gallery, the minbar and the hand-drawn embroidery were made during repairs in the 18th century.
  • The building, which was largely destroyed during the Balkan Wars, was later repaired, and the hand-carved decorations were renewed after the 1990s.
  • Minor repairs and restorations were carried out at various times.
  • The narthex has been converted into a double-porched structure.
- Prominent Features:
  • It has an architectural structure with a single dome and a single minaret.
  • The dome diameter is 9 meters and the Harim area is 80 m².
  • Wall thickness varies between 100-110 cm.
  • It is considered one of the important historical structures of Çatalca.
  • On the courtyard wall is a fountain and a primary school built in the classical style.
  • The polygonal minaret has a muqarnas underside on the balcony and a turquoise tile underside on the cone.
  • In his work, Evliya Çelebi indicates the Ferhat Pasha Mosque as the “most magnificent and decorated” among the many mosques and masjids in the town of Çatalca, which he stopped by on his way back to Istanbul via Edirne.
  • In one of the “tezkire” (the work in which the works of one are described) giving the names of Mimar Sinan’s works, there is the phrase “the late Ferhat Pasha Mosque in Çatalca”.
  • There is a burial ground where the Crimean Khans and their families are buried, dating back to the 18th and 19th centuries